Empowering Small Business Workshop - Mini-Cassia County Area
Empowering Small Business Workshop - Mini-Cassia County Area
June 30, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM MDT

Event Description:
Join the Idaho Small Business Development Center and Region IV Development Association for this NO COST workshop that will help you gain in-depth quality information for growth, expansion, innovation, and financial strength for your small business!
Empowering Small Business Workshop - "Mini-Cassia County Area"
This workshop aims to equip our local businesses with tools for continued learning and growth during the ongoing recovery efforts from the Covid-19 pandemic. As a joint effort, the Idaho Small Business Development Center and Region IV Development Association are here to assist and guide established or new small businesses with:
- Development Planning
- Small Business Assistance
- Current Region IV Dev. Loan Programs
- Networking Opportunity
- Special Bonus!! Clifton StrengthFinder Engagement!
Special Presentation about the "NEW" Brownfield Revitalization Program that focuses on re-development of possibly contaminated property sites.
Register Today to reserve your seat!
Register Today to reserve your seat!
- Seating is limited
- Registration required
- Lunch provided
To Register or For More Information:
Visit IdahoSBDC.org, call 208-732-6450, Register Here or select the QR Code on the flyer.