Idaho Division Of Vocational Rehabilitation

  • Human Resource Services
650 State Street, Room 150
Boise, ID 83720
(208) 334-3390
  • Whom to Contact

    • Dorinda Frienz
      650 West State Street
      Room 150
      Boise, ID 83720
    • Nanna Hanchett
      650 West State Street
      Room 150
      Boise, ID 83720
    • MiKayla Monaghan
      Business Relations Coordinator
      650 West State Street
      Room 150
      Boise, ID 83720
      Phone: (208) 287-6479
    • Kim Vaneyck
      650 State Street, Room 150
      Boise, ID 83720
      Phone: (208) 334-3390